Railway Ramblings

The wanderings of my mind as I travel by train daily. – Danny Ninal

Nov 2009
Posted in Uncategorized by Danny at 9:29 am | No Comments »

As I am transported physically by train, my mind has its own train of thought and with it my whole being is transported to a metaphysical world where beautiful things happen. One of them is when the Word of God becomes alive within me, speaking to me, immersed in me like nothing I’ve experienced before. […]

Nov 2009

The world looks so different. From my usual seat on the train, the world passes by so quickly you don’t have time to embrace its beauty. But from a window in my room, the world stands still. No movement except the rustle of the leaves from the swaying branches of the trees. So different. But […]

Aug 2009

I was sitting on my usual seat at the back of the last coach of the train headed for the Western Tracks. I was early today despite the cold Tuesday morning air but my heart was beating so fast like I was late for just a few seconds and missed the flight. But I was […]

Aug 2009

The train was slowly inching its way out of Britomart, sure of its route following the tracks on its way to the destination at a specified speed. Everything was pinpoint precision. For as long as the coaches are on the tracks, and the train doesn’t alter its speed, me and the rest of the passengers […]

The car was beautiful and the weather was excellent. Everybody had breakfast and we were all ready to go. Each went to his designated car. Me and my daughter headed for Edmund’s car, the beautiful Nissan Skyline with its modern curves and features that could turn heads even on a rainy day. I was on […]

Jul 2009
Posted in Uncategorized by Danny at 10:02 pm | 1 Comment »

I will have no ramblings for the next 3 days as I will be on a 3-day trip to Mt. Ruapehu with my daughter and friends. While I am excited to actually see real snow, for the first time in my life, I am also a bit sad because my wife couldn’t join us due to […]

Jul 2009
Posted in Random Ramblings by Danny at 10:30 pm | 1 Comment »

Today was a more challenging trip, as it was cold and I miss the 5:01pm train to Britomart so I have to wait for another 15 minutes for the next train. I was pressed close against the platform wall and my hands were inside of the sleeves of my jacket, each hand shoved up into the opposite […]

Jul 2009
Posted in Random Ramblings by Danny at 11:54 pm | No Comments »

I was sitting at the back (my usual seat, yet again), and this time I was glad the snoring chugger was not there. Today was a little more exhilarating, (breath-taking, if you may), because right in front of me was an elderly couple. It was exhilirating, not because they have difficulty in breathing (although age […]

Jul 2009
Posted in Random Ramblings by Danny at 9:22 pm | 3 Comments »

Today, as the train was snaking its way through the tracks, I sat on my usual seat (like there’s my name carved on it) at the back of the half-filled passenger coach. A lady sitting on the front seats was engrossed with her novel, as a Chinese couple was talking incomprehensively like birds at the […]

Jul 2009

“But Mommy, I don’t like the taste of it…” protested my eight year old daughter, as she looked at the vegetables served at the table. (My apologies to the vegetarians, but I too do not like veggies). But that particular evening, it was the only food served for dinner, and my wife continued saying (glancing at […]