Railway Ramblings

The wanderings of my mind as I travel by train daily. – Danny Ninal

Jul 2009
The Journey Begins
Posted in Random Ramblings by Danny at 9:22 pm | 3 Comments »

5047_train_cartoonToday, as the train was snaking its way through the tracks, I sat on my usual seat (like there’s my name carved on it) at the back of the half-filled passenger coach. A lady sitting on the front seats was engrossed with her novel, as a Chinese couple was talking incomprehensively like birds at the middle seats. On the left row opposite mine was a man whose snoring was as regular and almost as comical as the chug-chug-chug of the train.

I tried to avoid looking at the chugger by staring at the windows seeing nothing in particular as the scenery passed by like a video playback in a fast-forward mode.

It’s amazing how the whole thing encapsulates our journey in life. Like the episodes from your childhood to maturity flashing by so fast you can barely point at one particular frame. But as the train stopped, and people stepped outside while still others got inside the coach, I was brought back to reality, like one in an interrupted series of dreams so good you want to keep snoring (with utter disregard like the chugger guy opposite me).

In this journey therefore, my mind will continue with its wanderings without boundaries, without limits, without fear.

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3 Responses:

Danny said:

@serefluocuouh, it is amazing how words can change everything. Your two words (very economical) inspire me to look for more…but few as they are, those nine letters can extricate a lot more…

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