Railway Ramblings

The wanderings of my mind as I travel by train daily. – Danny Ninal

Jul 2009
The Promise
Posted in Random Ramblings by Danny at 11:54 pm | No Comments »

I was sitting at the back (my usual seat, yet again), and this time I was glad the snoring chugger was not there. Today was a little more exhilarating, (breath-taking, if you may), because right in front of me was an elderly couple. It was exhilirating, not because they have difficulty in breathing (although age might be a real factor here), but because they look so sweet together, undisturbed by the years, loving, holding hands, neither one wanting to let go of the other, as if reminding each other to hold firmly the promise they made many, many years ago.

I was instantly transported back to time (19 years ago actually) when, during our wedding, my wife and I sang a duet: (from the song “Cherish the Treasure” written by John Mohr):rings1

“This sacred vow I give to you, does not contain an ‘if’,

though I’m aware that trials lie ahead,

I will love you and pray with you, and through it all I will stay with you,

Our home will be a refuge of unconditional love…”


I wished my wife was with me on the train. I would have asked her to make a covenant with me that we will grow old together, like this beautiful couple in front of me. I know she would (undoubtedly even into a blood compact of some sort). All of a sudden, I was jolted by the noise of two kids running all over the place, unmindful of the chug-chug of the train, keeping their balance like they were gymnasts preparing for the olympic games. The boy was about 5 years old and the little girl was around 4. Looking at them, one can only be amazed at how simple a life of a child is. Even more amazing was the juxtaposition of two kids and two elderlies, like a full circle of life is right in front of me, ironically in a moving train.

I remembered the featured TV interview of a 92-year old couple,  who was asked about their secret of a lifelong marriage. The husband sheepishly answered,

“Always follow what the wife says…”

I have to park my pen here, it’s time to sleep (says my wife).

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