Railway Ramblings

The wanderings of my mind as I travel by train daily. – Danny Ninal

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Hi. I am Danny Ninal from the Philippines. My family and I moved to Auckland a couple of years ago. To be able to get a Residency Visa, my wife and I decided that I take a National Diploma in Computing – Level 7 at New Zealand School of Education in New Lynn. But we are renting a house in Pakuranga where my 10-year old daughter is  studying at a school about a few blocks away. Hence my need to travel by train to school.

Traveling everyday gives me an opportunity to think about things most of which we simply consider as inconsequential. But after 6 weeks of traveling every day I realize how beautiful it is to let your mind wander freely and allow it to go wherever it can go, which is infinitely awesome.

I also feel closer to my Creator now that I have more time talking with Him. This is something I feel so strongly amazing, too much for me to keep to myself, hence, this blogsite. I hope you’ll love these ramblings as much as I’ve learned from them.

Feel free to give your comments, or if you have some things you want clarified and don’t want it posted on the site, email me at [email protected].
