Railway Ramblings

The wanderings of my mind as I travel by train daily. – Danny Ninal

Archive for the 'Conversations with God' Category

Don’t Be Afraid…

Thursday, August 20th, 2009
Conversations with God | No Comments »

I was sitting on my usual seat at the back of the last coach of the train headed for the Western Tracks. I was early today despite the cold Tuesday morning air but my heart was beating so fast like I was late for just a few seconds and missed the flight. But I was […]

A few minutes with God

Thursday, August 6th, 2009
Conversations with God | No Comments »

The train was slowly inching its way out of Britomart, sure of its route following the tracks on its way to the destination at a specified speed. Everything was pinpoint precision. For as long as the coaches are on the tracks, and the train doesn’t alter its speed, me and the rest of the passengers […]