Railway Ramblings

The wanderings of my mind as I travel by train daily. – Danny Ninal

Jul 2009
Posted in Short Stories by Danny at 4:53 pm | 2 Comments »

“Incurable!” I could hardly take the word, I mean, the comment of my professor on my reading. I went to my seat and shrank in embarrassment. I almost cried, not because I had read badly (in fact, I rattled off so fast that the terminals were carelessly left out), but because that word reminded me […]

Jul 2009

“Is there anything you can do to make God love you less than He does now? Is there anything you can do to make God love you more than He does now?” the pastor asked me, as I looked at him with a blank look, so much like a little boy asked about the fifth […]

Jul 2009
Posted in Random Ramblings by Danny at 7:33 pm | No Comments »

 I travel by train every day to school. This blog is where I will share the wanderings of my mind as I am physically transported from one place to another. I am amazed by how beautiful it is when your mind travels faster than anything that moves. There is no limit to where I go […]